該雜志國際簡稱:NAVIGATOR,是由出版商Diretoria do Patrim?nio Histórico e Documenta??o da Marinha出版的一本致力于發布--研究新成果的的專業學術期刊。主要發表刊登有創見的學術論文文章、行業最新科研成果,扼要報道階段性研究成果和重要研究工作的最新進展,選載對學科發展起指導作用的綜述與專論,促進學術發展,為廣大讀者服務。該刊是一本國際優秀雜志,在國際上有很高的學術影響力。
《Navigator-subsidios Para A Historia Maritima Do Brasil》是一本以Spanish/Portuguese為主的開放獲取國際優秀期刊,中文名稱巴西航海史航海家補貼,本刊主要出版、報道領域的研究動態以及在該領域取得的各方面的經驗和科研成果,介紹該領域有關本專業的最新進展,探討行業發展的思路和方法,以促進學術信息交流,提高行業發展。該刊已被國際權威數據庫SCIE收錄,為該領域相關學科的發展起到了良好的推動作用,也得到了本專業人員的廣泛認可。
Navigator subsidios Para A Historia Maritima Do Brasil is an academic journal dedicated to the study of Brazilian marine history. This magazine is committed to providing a platform to promote in-depth research and academic exchange on Brazil's maritime history, covering a wide range of topics from early exploration to modern ocean activities.
The magazine content may include exploration of Brazil's maritime exploration history, research on maritime trade and economic activities, analysis of maritime laws and policies, and protection issues of the marine environment and ecosystems. It may also focus on the history of the Brazilian Navy, marine archaeological discoveries, and research on marine culture and social history. As an academic journal, it provides a forum for historians, oceanographers, legal experts, and the public interested in Brazilian maritime history to exchange ideas and research findings. The types of articles in magazines may include original research papers, case studies, review articles, policy analysis, and book reviews. Its editorial team is composed of experts in the field, who are responsible for ensuring the academic quality and depth of the magazine's content. Magazines may adopt a peer review system to ensure that published articles have high academic standards and research value.
按JIF指標學科分區 |
排名:450 / 518
13.2% |
按JCI指標學科分區 |
排名:463 / 519
10.89% |
該雜志是一本國際優秀雜志,在國際上有較高的學術影響力,行業關注度很高,已被國際權威數據庫SCIE收錄,該雜志在綜合專業領域專業度認可很高,對稿件內容的創新性和學術性要求很高,作為一本國際優秀雜志,一般投稿過審時間都較長,投稿過審時間平均 10 Weeks ,如果想投稿該刊要做好時間安排。版面費不祥。該雜志近兩年未被列入預警名單,建議您投稿。如您想了解更多投稿政策及投稿方案,請咨詢客服。
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