
時間:2023-03-16 19:44:55









商務信函是正式、準確,且用詞精確。商務信函翻譯的目的是幫助收信人理解發信者的要求,以決定是否繼續與發信者繼續交易、合作。翻譯的準確性直接影響著雙方的利益,因此,譯者在翻譯的過程中,要保證完整的傳達原文信息。例如,“no later than”, “before”, “within”等表達時間限制的詞應準確的翻譯,避免雙方因交貨、裝運時間等問題而導致沖突。







We pleased to receive your bank cheque for $1,345 yesterday. It has been credited to your account, which is now completely clear.貴方寄來的1345美元銀行支票已經收到,至感欣慰。我方已將此款計入貴方賬戶。貴方賬目已經結清。



It is not a very old or large account, so why not sent us your check today?





As soon as I opened the package,I noticed that they are poor in material and not in accordance with your original samples.唯拆視之下,發現該批制品,工料粗劣,與前送樣品,完全不符。


In condition that you reduce your price to some extend, we will lay the order.你方降價,我方便下訂單

3、省略同義詞。英語商務信函使用約定俗成的同義詞來表達準確性和正式,例如:“null and void(無效)”, , “true and correct(正確)”, “final and conclusive(最終)”,在中文翻譯中,要將此類同義詞中的其中一個省略,僅譯其中一個。

We shall be obliged if you will kindly make it a check on behalf of us and furnish and provide us the information needed. 若貴公司能代我方在這方面進行調查,提供有關信息,則不勝感激。



Having extensive connection withJapanese manufacturers as well as sufficient capital at our disposal, we are confident we can execute orders at the lowest prices.由于我公司與日本制造商有著廣泛聯系,加上有足夠可供支配的資金,我們相信,我方能以最低廉的價格滿足貴方的訂貨要求。


We confirm supply of the prints at the prices stated in you letter and arranging for dispatch next week by passenger train. 我方確認你方來信的價格供應各種印花棉布,并正安排下周由客運列車裝出。


we are planning to pack the products and ship it to you as stipulated.我們已在準備將訂貨裝箱運送。




[1]房玉靖,劉海燕. 2012. 商務英語翻譯教程[M].北京:清華大學出版社.














































































關鍵詞:禮貌原則 商務交流 商務信函寫作

Abstract: Politeness is generally accepted as an important feature in human communication. Writing of business correspondence should also observe this guideline. This paper analyzes the substantial use of politeness in business correspondence. One should employ politeness tactics appropriately to achieve the purpose of more efficient business communication.

Key Words: Politeness Principle Business Correspondence Writing


Politeness is the core of both Chinese and English culture. A lot of linguist had researched the relation between politeness and language. Among them, G.N. Leech is outstanding who once introduced the Politeness Principle. Politeness Principle includes six maxims(Leech, 1983): Tact Maxim (Minimise cost to other, Maximise benefit to other); Generosity Maxim (Minimise benefit to self, Maximise cost to self); Approbation Maxim (Minimise dispraise of other, Maximise dispraise of self); Modesty Maxim (Minimise praise of self, Maximise dispraise of self); Agreement Maxim(Minimise disagreement, Maximise agreement); Sympathy Maxim(Minimise antipathy, Maximise sympathy ). Leech thinks in communication, speaker and listener should maximize the expression of polite belief and minimize the expression of impolite belief (Leech, 1983). Although the research is on the base of dialog, it is also suitable for writing language.

The Politeness Principle is very important for the writing of business correspondence. And everyone wants to do a good job in writing business correspondence. A polite correspondence must respect the other side’s views, rights and needs as well as let the reader feel pleasure. Then, the writer should pay attention to politeness principle in business correspondence..

2. Application of the Politeness Principle in business correspondence writing

2.1 Tact maxim (Minimise cost to other, Maximise benefit to other) and Generosity maxim (Minimise benefit to self, Maximise cost to self)

In the writing of business letter, Tact Maxim is usually used in orders and promises. Meanwhile, Generosity Maxim is used in requiring price and negotiating conditions. In the practice of the writing, they are almost used in the same way. For instance:

(1)We assure you that any further enquiries from you will receive our prompt attention. In this example, “assure” strengthens the mood. In the objective clause, the writer made “any further enquires from you” the subject, putting the opposite side’s benefit in the first place. This sentence embodied the Tact Maxim and followed Politeness Principle.

(2) We sincerely advise you to accept our proposal as our stocks are getting lower and lower day and day,and we are afraid we shall be unable to meet your requirements if you fail to let us have your confirmation by return

In this sentence, the word “advise” was used improperly. The word “advise” may lead to a commending meaning. It may suggest that they must accept your advice. If not, the result would be very bad. But actually the choice right is in their hands but not yours. So, we should change “advise” into “recommend”.

(3) We reject your order No.85 for 1000,000 yards of Cotton Prints Art No.1002.

This sentence may have made the reader unhappy. Because the word “reject” was too direct. We could change the sentence into “Unfortunately, we have been unable to accept your order No.85 for 1000,000 yards of Cotton Prints Art No.1002”. The pattern “Unfortunately….” could save the reader’s face. And the whole sentence becomes indirect and more tactful.

2.2 Approbation Maxim (Minimise dispraise of other, Maximise dispraise of self) and Modesty Maxim (Minimise praise of self, Maximise dispraise of self)

The Approbation Maxim and Modesty Maxim are also used similarly. The difference is their object. The former one is used from the other opposite’s perspective. And the latter one is from our own perspective. In business letter writing, they are most used in preparation stage. For instance:

(1). It goes without saying that we very much appreciate the support you have extended us in the past.

In this example, the pattern “it goes without saying” exaggerate the writer’s gratitude to the reader as well as express the meaning of approbation to the reader. Having this good beginning, further negotiation may become very easy.

(2) Much as we would like to cooperate with you in expanding sales, we are regretful that we just cannot see our way clear to entertain your counter-offer, as the price we quote is quite realistic.

In this example, “much”, “just”, “see our way to” strengthen the effect of self-debasing. The word “realistic” is much better than “low” or “good”.

2.3 Agreement Maxim (Minimise disagreement, Maximise agreement)

When the two sides in the business meet transaction disputes, using Agreement Maxim can reduced differences and making negotiation continue smoothly. For instance:

(1) We do not deny that the quality of Chinese kernels is slightly better, but the difference in price should, in no case, be as big as ten percent.

In this example, the writer firstly recognized the quality of the goods, and then pointed out the price was unreasonable. The purpose is to find out point of agreement of both sides, reducing difficulty of negotiation.

(2) There are some discrepancies existing between the N/C stipulations and the terms of contract. For smooth effectuation of shipment,we shall appreciate your amending the N/C as follows:...

In this example, “for smooth effectuation of shipment” and “appreciate your amending” both play the rule of eliminating conflicts and making the negotiation goes well.

(3) While we appreciate your efforts in pushing the sale of our products, we very much regret that we are not in a position to offer you the desired quality, owing to excessive demand.

In this sentence, before talk about the regret, the writer thanks for the reader’s effort to sell foods, giving a face to the reader.

(4) We have no wish to embarrass you and if you can replace the materials we are prepared to allow the extension of delivery time.

In this example, the writer used some words to repair the might damage to the reader’s feeling.

2.4 Sympathy Maxim (Minimise antipathy, Maximise sympathy)

In the business communication, this maxim is usually used to show one’s sympathy to the loss side. And its function also reflected in complaints against each other, such as claims of a negative response on the content of messages. For instance:

(1)We are most anxious to compensate you for the shortage in weight mentioned in your letter of June 4, by offering you an allowance of 10 percent.

In this sentence, in order to express sympathy, the writer used “be anxious to” to emphasize the willing to compensate to the other side.

In the above six maxims, the Tact Maxim is the basic maxim. If we enlarge the definition of “cost” and “benefit”, besides the order or promise, the agreement and sympathy and conflict and disgust all can be seen the expression of “lost” or “benefit”. Then, the Tact Maxim can summarize them.So the application of Politeness Principle in business correspondence writing can be seen the application of Tact Maxim.

3. Conclusion

As the globalization of business, foreign trade is more important to companies. Business correspondence writing plays an important role in communication with business partners. All in all, the correspondence writing is not considered as a kind of routine but a face to face communication. So in the procedure of writing business correspondence, the writer should try his best to follow the Politeness Principle on the base of considering all factors which influence the effect. Only doing this, a favorable relationship between partners can be established.


[1]. Leech, G. N. Principles of Pragmatics , London:Longman, 1983



1 英語商務信函的寫作意義


2 英語商務信函書寫常出現的問題

2.1 詞匯錯誤

在商務英語信函的寫作中,同一個詞匯在商務中具有完全不同的含義。 “credit “本意“信譽、聲望”,在商務中“信用證”。“offer” 提供,在信函中"報價”。Promotion “提升“,在信函中”促銷“。Confirm “證明”,在信函中“保兌”。在信函寫作中,不要用其他詞代替信函中的意思,嚴格遵守它的含義。

2.2 詞匯陳舊

S著時代的發展和進步,商務英語詞匯的規模在不斷擴大。國際經濟的快速發展和計算機技術的高度發達,許許多多商務英語詞匯應運而生。“a going concern,” 盈利企業。”a leap in the dark “ 冒險舉動。這些新的商務詞匯的出現,為商務英語信函的交流提供了便利。在寫作中,要不斷地跟上時代的發展,與時俱進,更新詞匯,保持商務信函的新鮮度,與世界接軌。

2.3 主動語態多


3 解決途徑

3.1 書寫層面


在英語產品介紹信函和產品推銷信函中,為了給讀者留下深刻印象達到過目不忘,產品名稱的所有字母大寫。In the brochures, MOUNTAIN 10 is very useful for the kitchen.另外,為了突出產品特點,吸引客戶眼球,使讀者快速抓住重點,迅速做出決定,交易馬上達成,表達產品特點的詞組所有字母也大寫。CONVENIENT AND ECONOMICAL .




在英語商務信函中,冒號的使用常用來引導下文。Quantity: 1000cases. Payment : by L/C.商務信函需要用簡潔明了的語言表達內容,冒號引導下文節約了字數和空間,讀者簡易輕松理解大意,快捷抓住內容核心,節省了時間,方便了業務。

3.2 詞匯層面


在英語商務信函中,古詞的使用具有鮮明的文體特點-莊重、嚴肅、正式。We hereby mail one catalogue.恰當使用英語古詞提升整篇信函的莊重性和嚴肅性,英語商務信函代表企業或公司的形象,商談業務涉及企業之間巨大的經濟效益,嚴肅認真的態度是商務信函必備的態度,古詞的使用表明了其特點。

(2) 數詞

在英語商務信函中,準確的數字對于雙方貿易上的交往成功非常關鍵。A discount 5%.數字的使用不能有半點馬虎隨意,否則會造成重大經濟損失和虧本,有時直接影響到公司的聲譽,產生法律糾紛。


在英語商務信函中,積極樂觀的詞可以給客戶帶來身心愉悅之感。快樂高興的心態對于商務交往非常重要和關鍵。順利達成交易和成功奠定業務基礎為未來的貿易往來打下了牢固的基礎。Glad, excited, suitable, convenient, pleased.這些詞對商務交易達成起著積極的作用。

3.3 句法層面


在英語商務信函中,良好的溝通和交流非常重要,保證了整個商業業務流暢進行和運作。使用虛擬語氣委婉含蓄,商討交流的余地較大,對方容易接受。If you could consider, I would appreciate it.這樣的交流語氣,有利于維護雙方的合作關系和保持良好的友誼。


英語商務信函被動語態使用較多。Your goods has been delivered to another company.它是商務業務往來通信, 表達上需要準確和規范;措辭和語氣上需要禮貌委婉,嚴謹周密。信函涉及雙方權利和義務,可作為解決雙方爭端的法律依據。


英語商務信函對簡潔性和嚴謹性都有一定的要求,為了保證嚴密的邏輯性和信函的正式性,信函需要復合句As this falls within the scope, we are desirous to establish relation with B.復合句結構復雜,表達嚴謹周密,商務信函中,復合句使用較多。

3.4 語篇層面


英語商務信函具有“節約經濟”特點,雙方繁忙的業務交往需要快捷簡潔交流,為了避免繁瑣,信函中常用省略。同時盡速突出新的商務信息,緊湊銜接語篇。We hope this shipment will be examined by more(shipment ).


重復指某個語言成分多次出現的現象。在英語商務信函中,為了突出致函方的意圖,加深閱讀者對這一主題的印象,希望對方引起關注和重視。We have trouble in shipment.the trouble is the cargo.

(3) 連接

在英語商務信函中, 表示時間、因果、轉折、遞進、并列、條件等連接詞的使用體現了信函的邏輯性和連貫性。這些連接詞的前后關系非常緊密,巧妙銜接前后兩部分內容,讀者清晰知道信函內容,有效提高了信函語篇的粘結度。As soon as, as, therefore, when, where, so that 等。

4 結束語





3.錢瑗.實用英語文體學[M].北京: 北京師范大學出版社,1991.

4.張學芳.基于商務英語的語言特點談商務英語翻譯技巧[J]. 才智,2014,7(21): 271-272.









1.使用 you-attitude。對方觀點:首先,它表明作者站在讀者的角度看問題,體現作者對讀者利益的真摯的關懷、尊重和敬意,維護對方的積極面子,構建和諧的關系;其次,you-attitude體現一種寫作風格,用積極的方式,樂觀的態度和愉快的口吻表達觀點。







[中圖分類號]F275.3 [文獻標識碼]A [文章編號]1005-6432(2008)45-0158-02


改革開放以來,特別是加入世界貿易組織以后,我國與世界各國的經濟交往日益頻繁,對外經濟合作日漸加強。因此,培養一大批既熟練掌握外語,又通曉國際商務知識,并善于進行跨文化交際的國際商務人才已成當務之急。在國際商務人員必備的諸多技能中,商務信函寫作是其中一項重要的技能,也是商務活動得以順利開展的重要保證。一封好的商務信函(business letter)能夠在促進貿易、增進友誼和獲得完全理解方面起到非常重要的作用。只有完美傳達信息的信函才是完美的信函。因此,在寫作時嚴格遵守并且靈活運用7“C”原則是必不可少的:Consideration(體諒)、Correctness(正確)、Completeness(完整)、Concreteness(具體)、Conciseness(簡潔)、Clarity(清楚)、Courtesy(禮貌)。這七個原則是商務信函寫作最基本的指導原則。同時,在商務信函的寫作中,要掌握一定的寫作技巧,才能順利完成商務信息的交流。
























以下樣函采用過多被動句式,顯得軟弱乏味:Please be advised that the L/C should be opened by the end of May. Your prompt reply would be highly appreciated.

如果改成主動語態,就能營造出友善和靈活的氣氛:Could you please open the L/C by the end of May? Thanks.






寫信人要顧及收信人的感受和要求,盡量從正面與對方討論問題。避免使用如:fail,wrong,inadequate, stupid 等詞語,這些詞語給人一種居高臨下的教訓感覺,甚至涉及侮辱人格,容易使收信人產生反感。









一、 商務英語信函的結構和格式

作為一種正式的文體,商務英語信函的結構,主要包括信頭(Letter Head)﹑寫信日期(Date Line)﹑封內地址(Inside Address)﹑稱呼(Salutation)﹑正文(Body of the Letter)﹑結尾敬語(Complimentary Close)﹑簽名(Signature)等幾個標準部分,除了這幾個必要部分以外,有時候還會包括附件(Enclosure)﹑再啟(Postscript)﹑經辦人名稱(Attention Line)﹑事由(Subject Line)﹑參考編號(Reference Number)﹑抄送(Carbon Copy,簡寫為CC)﹑姓名字首縮寫(Name Initials)等特別部分,這幾個部分可以根據寫信的具體情況進行增減(諸葛霖,2007)。




如:WTO(World Trade Organization)世界貿易組織

L/C(Letter of Credit)信用證

F.B(freight bill)運費賬單




模棱兩可:We hope the machines could be shipped as soon as possible.

準確具體:We hope the machines could be shipped before 24th December.



e.g.艱深晦澀:You may peruse the contract and find the solution.

通俗易懂:You may read the contract and find the solution.




Take into consideration Consider

At this moment Now

In the near future Soon

Due to the fact that Because


In the event that you speak to Mr.Wood in regard to production,ask him to give consideration to the delivery schedule.

If you speak to Mr.Wood about production,ask him to consider the delivery schedule.







I am writing to confirm that…


We look forward to your early reply.


We would be very grateful if you could / we would greatly appreciate it if you could …


We are in receipt of your letter dated 16th September and,as requested,are sending you our latest catalogue and sample books for the Printed Shirting.

“in receipt of”,“letter dated…”,“as requested”這些都是回復對方來信時常用的表達,指出收到對方具體哪次的來信,以便對方在繁多的商務信函中快速區分出對應的那一封,同時開門見山地回應對方上次來信提出的要求,簡潔的語言清楚地傳達了必要的信息。



We can not offer you any refunds because the goods you returned had not remained clean and usable.

You could obtain a refund if the goods you returned had remained clean and usable.




商務信函的篇章結構、段落關系、句子與句子間都有著明晰的邏輯關系,它們之間通過各種連貫詞貫穿起來,可使接受者更明晰地接受信息。如表示補充說明的in addition,moreover,furthermore;表示轉折關系的however,otherwise,on the contrary;表示因果關系的due to…,therefore,as a result(of);表示舉例的for example,for instance,such as…;表示比較的similarly,compared with;表示概括歸納的in brief,in summary,in conclusion等。


商務英語信函段落寫作的一個基本原則就是“one paragraph,one idea”,即一個段落一個中心要點,讓接受者能以最快速度找到所需要信息,提高工作效率(羨錫彪,2009)。下文是很簡短的一封商務信函:

Dear Prof.Wang Ping

Thank you for asking us to estimate the cost of printing your manuscripts.It is our pleasure to serve you.

You letter specified that the manuscripts are 50 pages long and printed on A4 white paper.You need 50 copies.

We have 2 estimates for you to choose from:10 a copy with an ordinary cover,or 12 a copy with a specially designed cover.

We are looking forward to the pleasure of hearing from you again soon.



為了清楚明了,一目了然地傳達信函內容,商務英語信函中往往在列舉要點的時候用到一些視覺輔助的手段,如Bullet points,tables,highlights等,每個要點只列舉最核心的詞語,短語或者簡短的句子,使要點明晰。




“we-attitude”:We must receive your receipt before we can process your refund.

“You-attitude”:Please enclose the sales receipt,so that we can process your refund promptly.




關鍵詞:模糊語言; 商務英語信函; 積極作用; 消極作用

一、 Introduction

This paper aims to study vague language in business English letters, and discuss when people use vague language and why people use vague language on actual contexts. At the same time, we also learn the active functions and negative functions which are the vague language in business English letters causing. Based on the two functions, we discuss how to use vague language and avoid negative function in the business English letters.

(一) Introduction to the study

L.A.Zadeh, a professor of California University and an expert of Cybernetics, first put forward his concept and theory of fuzzy sets in 1965. From then on, there are many studies on vague language. Linguists reach a common sense that vague language plays a significant role in human communication. English linguist Channel (2000:194) claims that "whether one can properly use vague language shows one's language performance, because vague language is an inseparable part of language communication." A Chinese linguist Wu Tieping first brought vagueness into China and then his first Investigation of Fuzzy Linguistics came to the public in 1999 which remarks the beginning of researching vague language in China. There are a large amount of researches on vague language from semantic and pragmatic angles soon after, such as Practical Fuzzy Linguistics by Li Qian Jv in 1996, On Fuzzy Semantics by Zhang Qiao in 1998.

Although the existing or spreading of vague language everywhere, litter study on it in business English letters has been found because of the disputes or even lawsuits causing by vague language. As we know, the principles of business writing require the usage of its language precise, exact and clear, but vague language is always common used in business writing.

So, we should strive to study clearly the vague language in business English letters, especially in specific contexts about its effect of appropriateness and wide applicability.

(二) Data Collection and Research Method

The data of this paper are business English letters which are expected to point out when and why people use vague language and its active functions and negative functions in business English letters. These materials are collected mainly form books and articles on business English letters and business communication. The author also has collected some examples from other authors relevant to the current study. In fact, these examples in this paper are in the form of sentences form the letters. There are 20 samples of business English letters being not attached to the study due to the limited length of the paper.

A qualitative method is used in this paper to study the deliberate use of vague language by using business English letters as examples. Based on the theoretical prerequisites, the study explores the essential reasons of when and why people use vague language in business English letters.

二、 Literature Review

There is not a common sense what is vague language from the beginning to today. The originator of the notion of vagueness in language, a famous philosopher Pierce, showed his interest in natural language in1902.The philosophical study on vagueness of natural language brought about this phenomenon in the linguistic field. From then on, fuzziness, ambiguity, generality and vagueness have been made to define the confusing terms by linguists. This chapter plays much attention to the definition of vague language and the relationship of some confusing terms.

(一) A Definition of Vague language

Although a great number of researches on vague language have been carried out, a definition can not come to consensus in the linguistic field. There are two reasons to explain the difficulty, one is the vague language is complex area of study the other is the large number of different conceptions of vague language. Therefore, it is urgent to delimitate the present study towards the definition of vague language according to the definition by Wu Tieping and Channel are as follows:

Some words or some sentences are vague, they are not independent but in the context.

Vague language is vague probe to the vagueness of itself and the vagueness of acknowledge, it aims to language communication and chose loosely.

The latter study of vague language in business English letters will be firmly fellow the above definition.

(二) Comparison of Some Confusing Terms

In order to distinct the four terms among vagueness, fuzziness, generality and ambiguity. It is so significant that much effort has been done on this matter in linguistics. This paper will continue this project for sake of better understanding of the research.

1.Vague Language vs. Fuzziness

The two words are used exchangeable by some researches. Linguists like Black Russell, Fillmore, Ullmann, Deese, Channel and etc. all substitute vagueness for fuzziness. Actually, the research about this has not been worked out. Kempson(1979),a English linguist classifies vagueness into the following four types(qtd. in Zhang Qiao 17-18).

(1) Referential vagueness, where the meaning of a lexical item is in principle clear enough, but it may be hard to decide whether or not the item be applied to certain objects;

(2) Indeterminacy of meaning, where the meaning of an item itself seems indeterminate;

(3) Lack of specification in the meaning of items, where the meaning is clear but is only generally specified;

(4) Disjunction in the specification of an item's meaning, where the meaning involves an either-or statement with different interpretation possibilities.

As the above-mentioned classification, we will discuss three types because the last type is beyond our study in this paper. The first is lack of clear boundaries. For instance, we have no idea to recognize the referential boundary like “land” or “floor” ;“the ground” or “the earth”. The second is that the borderline of a word is uncertain. For example, how beautiful is “beautiful”? How small is “small”? These borderlines are not clear. The third is the uncertainty in a phrase or proposition including the indeterminate meaning. For example, "my brother's taxi" is indeterminate. Since we can not distinguish whether it is used to express the taxi my brother owns, the taxi my brother drives, the taxi my brother rents, the taxi my brother is going to catch, or the taxi my brother goes to work on and etc.

To sum up, because of the unclear boundary and the indefinite criteria, addition to it a continuous range of values, the meaning of fuzziness is a part of the expression vagueness. At the moment, vagueness is used its broadest sense which is also the point we use in this paper, including the coming analysis.

2.Vagueness vs. Ambiguity

Although the two terms are different, some people often confuse them, to such an extent that, they use ambiguous examples to interpret vagueness.

According to Zhang Qiao, he holds that ambiguity is expression with more than one competing but distinct meaning; while for vagueness; distinct meaning can not be identified. It seems that vagueness has borderline and a single meaning. Therefore, homonymy and polysemous words lead to ambiguity not vagueness. For instance, “It is good whether” is vague because of the one meaning of “good”, and we do not know how good it is. “She has a good leg.” is ambiguous because of the several meaning of “good”. We can not decide whether it means “athletic” or “healthy” or “beautiful” (liao1).The answer varies from context to context, from individual to individual.

Compare with vagueness, ambiguities are less use in actual texts, because contextual clues generally make clear which meaning is appropriate, but vagueness is possible in many causes because it expresses one meaning which is not clear or distinct. For instance, "Jane has my book." has one meaning: Jane has my book, but the expression is not clear. Does it mean a book written by me, or owned by me, or borrowed by me? So that the sentence is vague but not ambiguous. (Liao2)

3.Vagueness vs. Generality

Wu Yaxin defines generality is as follows: "an expression is general if it is the super ordinate to other relevant expressions, which are considered as its hyponym." With Zhang Qiao's view on generality “the meaning of an expression is general if it does not specify certain details, i.e. generality is an unspecified matter.” in mind, Ms Wu gives her viewpoint above; she adds her idea that if we use unspecified word here, it would be difficult to draw a demarcation line between generality and vagueness. For instance, “Rose got a rose.” is general and cause an unclear meaning if we want to know whether Rose has a red, or a white rose, a yellow rose, or a black rose.

Generality covers Hyponymy, the vertical relationship existing between a specific and a general expression is the connotation of hyponymy. For example,“ sweet” and “chocolate”, the semantic field of “chocolate” lies within “sweet”. In this case, it is clear to see "chocolate" belongs to “sweet”, but sometimes generality is a means and vagueness is the result of it. For example, a child is expecting his mother to buy chocolate to him says in vagueness by using the general terms: "How I wish someone to send me chocolate and I will have the confidence to get full marks in this coming exam."

三、 The Functions of Vague Language in Business English Letters

As is well known, business language requires precision but avoid vagueness. In fact, both vagueness and precision are the innate characteristics of natural language; business language is not an exception. Sometimes, in order to run the business transactions well, vague language is used for particular and diversified reasons. It should concern the following communicative purposes and intentions by Channel (173-192):

(1) Giving the right amount of information

(2) Deliberately withholding information

(3) Using language persuasively

(4) Lexical gaps

(5) Lacking specific information

(6) Displacement

(7) Self-protection

(8) Power and politeness

(9) Informality and atmosphere

(10) Women's language

This study concentrate on the deliberate use of vague language in business English letters, so only these uses: giving the right amount of information; deliberately withholding information; using language persuasively; self-protesters; power and politeness; informality and atmosphere; women's language, given by Channel will be discussed as the functions of vague language. As we all know that it is difficult for a theory to be perfected a linguistic phenomenon or a complete interpretation. Every theory has its strong points and weak points. Therefore, in this study, the Channel’s theory is supposed to construct the theoretical framework for the analysis of vague language in business English letters. With these functions of vague language, business people may use vague language as a communicative strategy in different context in order to maintain the goodwill between the parties involved. Vague language may turn out to be a powerful tool in good business writing and successful business transactions. However, vague expressions in some contexts are used to confuse the addressee deliberately, this may cause to misunderstanding or cheating.

This section associates with some actual articles and materials to make a try to explore and summarize both the positive and negative functions of vague language in business English letters.

(一) An overview of Business English Letters

As we know, business communication will reach a possible agreement at last, no matter what manners both sides use, it is basined on the common interests and conflicting interests put the cooperation further or break-up. Wall defines that business communication is a process through which two or more parties coordinate an exchange of goods or services and attempt to agree upon the rate of the exchange for them.

Business letters is a kind of communication, specifically, “a piece of conversation by post” (Yang, 15). The participants take turns as being the addresser and the addressee have their special audience and definite purpose, so the communication is carried on by written forms. "business letters are different from other literary discourses, Brown and Yule said that "they do not call for the elegant language of literature and the main difference between business letters and other types of discourses lies in the language and style." It seems a reasonable answer to the trait of business English letters from a large number of articles and materials which other people research.

Business letters are hard to classify because there are great classifications from different angles, such as the different functions, the content of the letters. It seems that it is impossible to carry out a complete and perfect classification for the business letters. There are the same things among some types of letters above if we found carefully. Sometimes, it is difficult to distinguish one letter from another. Therefore, there is a need to give a general classification for the following analysis of vague language in business English letters. According to Stewart (qtd. in Yang, 17), there are four different kinds of information in terms of its effect on the readers’ needs: good news, neutral news, bad news and persuasion. Accordingly, there are good-news letters, neutral-news letters, bad-news letters and persuasive letters. In addition, order letters, inquiry letters and replies to inquires and adjustment letters can be sub-classified into good-news or neutral-news letters, Refusing letters can be classified into bad-news letters and sales letters and collection letters into persuasive letters.

四、 Functions of Vague Language in Business English Letters and Some Suggests

(一) Positive Functions of Vague Language in Business English letters

It is known that vague language playing an important role in the linguistic communication own to vagueness, communication operates smoothly, so does business English letters. The businessmen often use vague expressions purposely for their contribution to the messages. Generally speaking, positive functions of vague language in business English letters are as follows:

1.Increasing the Accuracy of Language Expressions

The American philosopher Grice said that in the communicative activities, parties should observe some basic norms in order to ensure the communication going on successfully. Since there are situations in which one is reluctant to be very precise or accurate, businessmen may make use of vague language intentionally. In the objective reality, there are too many “boundary phenomena”, in other words, things and phenomena that belong to objective reality manifest indeterminacy. Vagueness is sometimes an important means of appropriately stating or expressing these indeterminate uncertain things and phenomena (Hyland440). Accuracy attributes to vagueness in some contexts, businessmen use vague terms to seek accuracy of expressions in business English letters. For instance:

(1) “in general” our payment terms are by irrevocable letter of credit at sight and we do not accept D/P term.

“In general” is used to quality the validity of the state of affairs expressed in the message. The humble example indicates that the vague expression “in general” weakens the force of certainty, thus it guards against possible refutation and enhances the accuracy of expression, as they suggest the objectivity in conveying the sense that the information may be held to be true. So, the businessman ensures that the information he provides only represents his own opinion, but not others’ opinion. Whether the information is true or not is unclear due to the use of “in general”.

(2) The responsibility for the losses many rest with the shipping company and we suggest you yourself make the claim for compensation.

“May” expresses the tone of inference, but not clearly how deeply the possibility is. The addresser describes his view objectively and shirks his responsibility of the losses. The tone of “suggest” is so relaxed that other sides feel available easily. Instead of saying absolutely, the businessmen use vague expressions to make the sentence more accurate. Therefore, we can see that vague language is commonly adopted when posting developing trends or predicting future situations in order to avoid absoluteness.

2.Enhancing the Flexibility of Language Expressions and Achieving the Self-protection

According to Channel, the speakers try to have self-protection, namely, the speakers use vague language in order to avoid being considered to offer wrong information to others in the future. In the special situation, when the replies to some questions are beyond your authority or it is the improper time to answer these questions, the use of vague language may be considered as a good choice because it can offer you a relatively flexible space to move back and fro. For example:

(1) Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. (Yi Xiaoying, 45)

The vague words “competitive”, “acceptable” and “a large” have not been definite meaning which gives certain freedom for the addresser in the business exchange. The purpose is to let the addressee interpret messages the way he wants to and then give the addresser the leeway for further change according to the market fluctuation.

(2) At present we are interested in your cosmetics, details as per our Enquiry Note No.1345 attached, and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible.(Yi Xiaoying,50)

The vague expression "as soon as possible" serves as stalling tactics, although the board's opinion to promises to accept the addresser's lowest quotation, which quotation is the lowest is unclear. So the result of the disposal can be manipulated flexibly by the addressee according to actual situation.

From the above examples, we can see that the businessmen may have flexible manipulation through vague language. At the same time, the tone sounds sincere when use vague language and the vague language will enhance the cooperation between the two parties.

3.Deliberately Withholding Information, Promoting the Trade Cooperation

Vague language makes the expressions more measured and tactful, especially some sensitive items, such as both sides' benefit. Concealing the true situation, avoiding conflicts and expressing your own ideas are the functions of vague language. Based on the politeness and cooperation principles, the addresser not only maintain his benefit but also consider other sides' feeling fully in order that both sides keep their trade relationship just like the usual. For example:

We should revert to the question of sole agency when the business between us has developed to our mutual satisfaction.

From the above example, it seems that the addresser is positive and cooperated, but "mutual satisfaction" actually withholds negative information, namely, the addresser refuses other sides' demand of "sole agency". This vague expression makes the addresser understanding the withholding information easy, additionally, it is very kindly to protect other sides' face from being threatened and maintain the cooperative relationship.

As we all know, the businessmen often do their best to deliberately withhold information in actual business transactions. Particularly, it is unchangeable when the price of the goods is given to the customer. So, the businessman answers the customers' inquiries with vague words, especially the price. Vague language give both the businessmen an opportunity to change the price is easy to be changed so that customers can make right response to the price.

4.Indicating You-attitude, Expressing Business Cultivation

Courtesy and amicability is known as the general principles that business writing must consider, so it is necessary to use vague language because that is one of the best ways to express politeness. Simultaneously, the appropriation of use of vague language is also one of the standards to balance the professional character of the members of a company and improve the image of the company into the public. For instance:

(1) I'm afraid that the proposal you put forward isn't up too much.

The addresser expresses his disagreement through the vague and negative words, avoiding cruelly say" I do not agree with your proposal." and leave well impression on the addressee. There is no doubt that this proper letter makes the best and fake advertisement for the company.

According to the above analysis, we can see that proper use of vague language can fully indicate you-attitude that requires dealing with business from other sides' standpoint and satisfy other sides’ needs. Therefore, vague language plays a significant role in indicating you-attitude which will enhance the cooperation between both sides and give a positive impression of your company to the addresser.

(二) Negative Functions Vague Language in Business English Letters

Vague language, just like everything has two antagonistic sides, is not always positive. There is a negative effect in business English letters in some contexts. So the addressee may not be able to distinguish the true or false messages, and then cause difficulty. For example:

(1) As to the steamers sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco, we have bimonthly direct services.

Vague word “bimonthly” is unclear, so what is “bimonthly” means? It means twice a month or once two months. Obviously, the expression has two meaning which will cause troubles to the addressee. It should interpret clearly:

a. We have two direct sailings every month from Hong Kong to San Francisco.

b. We have semimonthly direct sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco.

c. We have a direct sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco every two months.

The principle of concreteness in the business English writing demands the message specific, definite and vivid. Especially some letters require clear-cut response or reply the questions which other sides mention, offers, acceptances and so on. It will reduce the social efficiency when you use the vague language in the place where they need concretive expressions. For example:

(2) The Fareast Co. is one of our big buyers.

It is not detailed to reply the trade data of company, because "one of big buyers" is not specific, we don't know how big it is, so it is better amend it as follow:

The Fareast Co. placed U.S. $200,000,000.00 worth of business with us last year.

From the example above, we can see that under some circumstances, vague language does not give the addresser an edge in business communication, however, it may lead to trouble for the parties involved. Therefore, we should use vague language in business English letters which can help the addresser realize some communicative purposes or make the communication going smoothly and avoiding the negative functions of vague language.

(三) Some Suggests

Through analysis of above, it is proposed that there are two functions of vague language: the positive functions and the negative functions in business English letters. The positive functions may be helpful for further cooperation, but the negative functions will cause misunderstanding or cheating. Therefore, we should do great effort to make the positive functions and avoid the negative functions when adopting vague language. Generally speaking, the vague expressions in the business English letters often appear in the following two situations:

(1) Refusing gently and Leave a way out

There is an example: What you mentioned in your letter in connection with the question of agency has had our attention and we shall give this matter careful consideration and shall revert to it later on.

“Has had our attention” and “shall give this matter careful consideration” are not expressed clear details and attitude. It seems that the addresser has not agreement but also not refusing which make the other side confused. “Revert to it later on” is vague; too, because it holds another meaning, there is no opportunity to talk in the near future. Another is that this expression considers other sides’ feelings and the ability of acceptances fully, and then maintains the business English relationship of both sides.

(2) Unwilling to interpret the details and self-protection.

This situation exists in some contexts. For example:

If the Supplier fails to commence the work necessary to remedy such defect or any damage to the Equipment caused by such defect within a reasonable time, the Buyer may carry out such work in a reasonable manner, and the reasonable direct costs incurred by the Buyer in connection there will shall be paid to the Buyer by the Supplier, providing that the labor costs included in such costs shall be calculated based on the local costs incurred in the country in which the contract plant is to be constructed.

There are three vague words in the above example. How long is “within a reasonable time”? What way is “in a reasonable manner”? How much is “the reasonable direct costs”? All these have not specification, but the application of vague language used at this moment is appropriate avoiding speaking absolutely and trapping in passive situation.

From the above-mentioned example, we can see that use of vague language should control in a degree, or it will not gain the predicting result. So the addresser will advance and retreat freely when he masters the degree of using vague language, at the same time, it will not break out the trade relationship of both sides.

五、 Conclusion

In this paper, the study on when and why people use vague language in business English letters. Many examples are used in this paper to explore the situations of vague language in several of business English letters and its positive and negative functions. As a result, the analysis on this paper aims to help people realize and understand how to use vague language as a strategy to meet their communicative intentions. The functions of vague language in business English letters can cause people’s attention to use it in actual situations.

Although this study has been done mainly on English data, there are some questions about what situations in verbal business communication. People may also do some effort on this item. We can sure that people will discover the importance of vague language in business letters.


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關鍵詞: 語用原則 商務英語 信函









方式準則是指在商務英語信函中,表達交易信息的內容一定要清楚明白,避免語意上的含混、模糊和歧義。在寫作中,要使用符合行規、表意確切的常用術語,有利于對方的理解,使貿易活動順利進行。如I am at present in Hamburg visiting the harborwith a view to making known our new type of container?that can contain 100 tons?of rice for use in Europe.I should like to call on you at 7:00 on that day.這則信函有兩處語意模糊:一是時間(7:00)后面沒有注明是“am”還是“pm”,這會讓對方摸不著頭腦,不明白究竟是上午7點還是下午7點;二是重量單位噸(tons),因為不同國家對“噸”這個重量單位的理解是不盡相同的,若不加以具體說明,勢必會造成誤會,導致貿易糾紛。














[關鍵詞] 商務日語; 信函; 翻譯技巧

[中圖分類號] [文獻標識碼]B


























殘念ながら、お望みのような種類の品は製造しておりません。しかし、弊社現在の製品系列を示すパンフレットを同封させていただきます。これら商品のいくつかが貴社の販売計畫に適合すれば幸甚(こうじん)であります。 なるべく早く返事をいただきますように。



敬啟者:很遺憾,弊公司并未生產貴公司所需要的產品。然而,弊公司現在很冒昧地附上一本商品手冊,內包括弊公司所有的產品,如其中有些能適合貴公司的銷售計劃,則我們深感榮幸。 請盡快回復。? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?







綜上所述,商務日語信函是中日商務間交流的主要方式之一。由于它要求語言要具準確性 、實用性喝專業性,以及文體上應鄭重得體等,這就需要譯者必須本著嚴謹的態度,準確理解原文的意思,熟悉相關的專業術語,了解中日文外貿信函在語言方面的差異,正確運用翻譯技巧,力求翻譯出質量上乘的商務日語信函,以便貿易雙方達成共識,促進交易的順利實現。


